Researcher at the Multidisciplinary Centre for Chronic Conditions, UPJS Kosice, Slovakia

Researcher interest

Researcher at the Multidisciplinary Centre for Chronic Conditions, UPJS Kosice, Slovakia
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Andrea Pavlickova

Contact info
Multidisciplinary Centre for Chronic Conditions, UPJS, Tr SNP 1, 040 11 Kosice, Slovakia
Short bio

Dr. Andrea Pavlickova currently works as European Service Development Manager, at the NHS24/Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare, Scottish Government, UK; and she is also affiliated with Multidisciplinary Centre for Chronic Conditions, UPJS Kosice, Slovakia as a senior researcher. After graduation from the University of Matej Bel in Slovakia in 2007, with an MA in International Relations and Diplomacy, Andrea continued her studies at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) in Canada with a curriculum focusing on International Development. In 2007 she began her PhD in International Relations and Diplomacy in Slovakia, which resulted in the manuscript on Canadian Foreign Policy. She was awarded her PhD in May 2010 and also an MA in International Development from UNBC in Canada. After working at various national and international organisations, Andrea joined EPPOSI in 2011 to drive the research on the Chronic Conditions Management Programme to build a workable model for the holistic management of chronic conditions. She has been a Coordinator of the B3 Action EIP-AHA, European Commission. She has also been a project manager of several EU-funded projects dealing with integrated care, including SCIROCCO and SCIROCCO Exchange (
