Financial and administrative manager at Department of Social and Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UPJS

Supportive interest

Financial and administrative manager at Department of Social and Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UPJS
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Martina Sukenikova

Contact info
Department of Social and Behavioural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, PJ Safarik University, Tr SNP 1, 040 11 Kosice, Slovakia
Short bio

Martina Sukenikova, MSc defended her Degree thesis (Small and medium business as one of the solutions of unemployment in Kosice district) at the University of Presov, Slovak Republic in 2004.  Since 2006 she has been participating in three educational projects cofinanced by EU fund focused on training and education of unemployed women in the framework of the PHARE – equal opportunities appeal, improving of digital literacy and computer skills of talented children from socially weak environments – European social fund and e-learning of secondary schoolteachers in the design and creation of websites – European social fund.
