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The ICARE4EU project wants to improve the care for people suffering from multiple chronic conditions. An estimated 50 million people in Europe suffer from such conditions. The complex health care problems of these patients and their need for continuous and multidisciplinary care poses a great challenge to health systems and social services. But also from a patient perspective, improvements in for instance the organization of care and the level of their own involvement in the care process are important.

ICARE4EU will describe and analyse innovative approaches in multidisciplinary care for people with multiple chronic conditions currently existing in Europe. By disseminating knowledge about effective and innovative solutions, we hope to contribute to an improved design, a wider applicability and more effective implementation of patient-centred multidisciplinary care for people with multimorbidity.

The ICARE4EU project is financially supported by the Health Programme 2008-2013 of the European Commission


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The ICARE4EU project wants to improve the care for people suffering from multiple chronic conditions. An estimated 50 million people in Europe

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