What has been done?
Poor sleep is associated with low health related quality of life in multiple sclerosis patients.
abstract poster
Sociálna opora a sebaposudzované zdravie u pacientov so sclerosis multipex.
ppt abstract
Dôležitosť copingu pre mentálny komponent kvality života u pacientov trpiacich sklerózou multiplex.
abstract ppt
Associations of socioeconomic factors with mental health problems in urban citizens in Slovakia.
abstract poster
Sense of coherence as a mediator between hostility and health-related quality of life among cardiac patients.
abstract poster
Mastery early after kidney transplantation predicts future health-related quality of life: a prospective study.
abstract ppt
Fatigue is not an independent predictor of mortality in Parkinson’s disease.
pdf poster
Coping and its importance for quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis.
poster abstract
The associations between adolescent patients’ self-rated physical and mental health, and their parents’ mental well-being.
poster abstract